Patient Care Improvement through Point of Care Dispensing

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A happy customer is a repeat customer and that same is perfectly true in the medical business as well. If you keep your patient happy by increasing their care value, they will surely reciprocate by trusting you and coming to you more often. One of the best ways to do this is to install point of care medication dispensing in your clinic. Let us look at this in detail today.

It’s More Convenient for Them

When you’re sick, just going to the doctor’s is rather a hardship. And then, another trip to the pharmacy, while you are already suffering, is not pleasant at all — quite the contrary. What if you could save your patients this extra trip? Having a physician dispensing system does just that — it lets you dispense medication to patients directly from your clinic right when they come in for a checkup.

This system of pre-packaged medication services installed in doctors’ offices is very beneficial for the patients. Not only will they be relieved to hear that they won’t have to make another trip to the factory, but the doctor being herself in charge of the drugs can administer exactly as she intended, instead of relying upon the dubitable skills of the pharmacy guy.

It’s More Convenient for You, Too

One of the big reasons why most doctors don’t go into medication dispensing is inventory management. Let’s face it — pharmacy inventory management is one of the more complicated things in managing a shop.

However, most modern point of care medication dispensing systems are aware of this issue and they cope with it beautifully. These systems come with simplistic digital interfaces for integrated electronic inventory management infrastructure which are very user-friendly and can be handled in the most stress-free way.

It’s Safer

When the patient is going to another place with your prescription in hand, they are merely conveying your instruction to someone they don’t know. There is no guarantee that they will understand your instructions fully, and dispense the right medication with the right administering instruction to the patient. How many times has this happened — you have prescribed an intravenous injection, but they have mistakenly pushed it intramuscularly.

But with an in-office dispensing system in effect, these issues go away — completely. Since the person dispensing the drugs is literally next door to the person who prescribes it, there is next to no chance of getting things wrong. And the best thing is that the patient knows it! Your patients will love you for bringing in this in-patient dispensing method.

What to Do Next?

If you need emergency primary care for your physical condition, consult with the specialists of PD-RX Pharmaceuticals. They will handle the rest of your problem with care.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.