Learn More about Durable Medical Equipment

Empty medical prescription with a stethoscope on blue reflective background.jpg

'The better quality of living' is one such phrase associated with Durable Medical Equipment. Equipment including hospital bed, oxygen tents, wheelchair, CPAP and many other necessary medical items are considered to be durable medical equipment. You can use them at your home according to your needs. Nowadays physician dispensing has become a hot topic. Now you can visit a physician and get the medication directly from his office. You can get your necessary Durable Medical Equipment from a physician's dispensary too.

What is Considered As DME?

DME stands for Durable Medical Equipment. Every medical equipment is considered to be a DME. Therefore it's important for you to learn what is considered as DME and what is not.

Difference between DME and Medical Supplies

Durable Medical Equipment is usually non-disposable, whereas medical supplies are disposable. Medical supplies need to be disposed of after their use. Items such as normal bandages, testing strips, catheter equipment and needles are considered to be disposable supplies.

But Durable Medical Equipment is recommended for a longer period of use. These items are prescribed to recover the patients from injury. One of the few examples is wheelchair and oxygen tents.

Durable Medical Equipment is divided into few different categories, some of them are -

  • Mobility Aids

These types of aids are specially designed to facilitate patients who are having a challenging time while walking.

  • Personal Care Aids

Personal care aids are especially for old people who are disable and ill. These types of aids can help a patient to get a shower, get away from the toilet and get dressed.

  • Artificial Limbs

Artificial limbs help those patients who have lost their limbs. With the help of artificial limbs patients can perform their work.

  • Oxygen Equipment

Patients who are experiencing respiratory problems can use oxygen equipment as a necessary item. You need a doctor's recommendation in this case.

It's also important to understand what are those Durable Medical Equipment that your Medicare offers. Sometimes, Medicare does not offer some of the DME products. You may need to collect them from your personalized insurance. You can take the help of a physician's dispensary. You will be able to visit your physician and get a prescription from him. You will get the facility of in-office dispensing service.

PD-RX Pharmaceuticals is the best choice for physician dispensing. At PD-RX, you will be able to experience a personalized and affordable medication service. You can access direct medication while visiting your physician at the same time. Our enhanced communication process will help you improve your condition in a better way. For more information, visit us or make a call today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.