Sore Throat Treatment: 4 At-Home Remedies to Ease Pain

Sore throat is a very common symptom that occurs in people during the winter season. The affected person experiences this because of their flu, common cold and strep throat. Though sore throat is pretty painful, it can be reduced within a week.

You may go to a specialist who provides a physician dispensary that may help you to recover from this problem quickly. Apart from that, if you have a busy schedule and don’t have time for visiting the doctor, then go for home remedies. These natural at-home treatment options will help you to ease the condition.

The Home Remedies

  1. Gargle With Saltwater

    Saltwater does not provide you relief from the condition directly but helps you to kill the bacteria and ease the pain. This technique also helps you to lose the mucus so that you don’t have to face difficulties while breathing. You have to mix half a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water and gargle with it two to three times per day.

  2. Honey

    You can consume honey by adding it to your morning tea or directly. But anyway, it can help you to recover from a sore throat. According to the researches, honey is more effective than cough suppressants. It also acts as a wound healer so either way, you can get much help just by taking honey.

  3. Fenugreek

    Fenugreek has several advantages and it is used for various purposes. You can take fenugreek in various forms like seeds, take it as an oil and drink fenugreek tea. You can get relief from sore throat after drinking fenugreek tea or liquid. As reported, fenugreek can kill bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation. But if you are a pregnant woman, then you must avoid fenugreek and consult with a doctor who provides a physician dispensary.

  4. Can Use Humidifier

    If you notice that you suffer from sore throat a couple of times, then it’s time to invest in a humidifier. Dry air during the winter season contributes to worsening the condition of sore throat. But if you install a humidifier inside your house, then it can keep the air moist and open your sinuses. Moreover, you can also take two vapor rubs to provide additional relief.

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Remember one thing that you must also avoid eating foods that may be difficult to swallow. If the home remedies do not treat the condition well, then schedule an appointment with a doctor at PD-RX Pharmaceuticals.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.