How Social Distancing Helps Keep Patients and Staff Safe?

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We don't usually consider how intertwined we are during the day unless we are instructed to avoid individuals. Avoiding large gatherings is a form of social alienation. But how many people are too numerous to be considered a danger? Is it only events and large groups that you should avoid? If you must be around others, keep at least 6 feet between you and them. Limit the amount of people with whom you come into close contact. This will assist to keep the Corona Virus from spreading throughout the neighborhood.

What does social distancing imply for pharmacy? Some pharmacies currently have a barrier between staff and patients, but there are undoubtedly many more ways that are attempting to reduce contact. Combining high-quality service with patient and employee security is undoubtedly a difficult task. Pharmacy today faces two significant challenges: first, preventing patients from contracting a disease just because they obtained their medications from a pharmacy. According to him, the drugstore must defend its employees. In Italy, a large proportion of health-care providers who are positive for COVID19 are already causing concerns. So, if you want to ensure that patients receive the treatments they require, you must defend health-care workers in any manner possible.

We are already offering support and counseling to pharmacies throughout OKC to implement effective social distancing processes. Simple rules, new space and distance laws, as well as the adoption of technology that reduce contact, are all part of the solution. Human interaction is now more secure than what can be done digitally or by a robot.

Some pharmacies in OKC have already implemented automation for prescription delivery, which means that the patient receives notifications on his phone and does not need to visit the pharmacy to pick up his medication. PDRX can help by automating the dispensing of dispensed medicines, physician dispensing system reducing direct contact for pharmacy teams while also allowing patients to pick up their medications at any time without having to wait in line.

Social distancing is essential for the safety of patients and to ensure that pharmacists may continue to deliver a useful service to the community in the long run. The answers are right in front of us; now it's up to us to take action.

PD-RX Pharmaceuticals

The pharmacy industry has evolved over time, as have the demands of patients. PD-RX, the most advanced automated pharmacy and physician dispensing system, allows pharmacies to digitize drug dispensing and patients to retrieve medications 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without having to wait in lines.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship