Eat Yummy Food Even With Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Hashimoto thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto's disease, is the most common thyroid disorder in U.S and other developed countries. It is an autoimmune condition that can destroy thyroid tissues, the white blood cells found in our immune system. The thyroid is an endocrine gland that is located at the base of our neck, which secretes hormones that have the ability to affect nearly all our organs, including the lungs, heart, digestive and nervous system.

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are the two main hormones secreted by the thyroid, so any damage to its gland can lead to insufficient hormone production. The symptoms can significantly affect your quality of life, so to make your life easier, a medication dispensing system can dispense your medicine right at your doorstep. Let's discuss things that might help with this autoimmune disease.

Best Hashimoto Diet To Lift Your Mood

  • Gluten and Grain-Free Diet- If you have Hashimoto's disease, there is a chance that you might have celiac disease. A study suggested that 34 women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis had seen changes in their thyroid antibody levels. You have to avoid all wheat, rye, and barley in a gluten-free diet like soy sauce, pasta, and bread. You will get many gluten-free alternatives nowadays.

  • Consider Avoiding Dairy- Most people who have Hashimoto's disease are lactose intolerant. It was seen in a study that out of 83 women with Hashimoto's disease, 75 were diagnosed with lactose intolerance. The medicines that you get from the medication dispensing system will also be absorbed better if you avoid dairy.

  • Plant-Based Diet- Plant-based diet is very similar to a vegan diet, which includes foods that come from plants like nuts, fruits, vegetables, and beans. The main difference with a vegan diet is you don't have to leave eating meat; just prioritize eating plant-based food as much as possible.

Supplements for Hashimoto

Some of the beneficial supplements that the medication dispensing system can provide you are:

  • Zinc- it is seen that if you take 30 mg of zinc every day along your diet, it can improve your thyroid function.

  • Selenium- if you take 200 mcg of selenium every day, it can reduce your antithyroid peroxidase antibodies.

  • Curcumin- is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound that has the ability to treat autoimmune diseases in general.

  • Magnesium- if you have a low level of this mineral, then you have a high chance of getting Hashimoto's thyroiditis and more elevated thyroid antibodies.

  • Iron- people who have this disease have a chance of developing anemia. You need to take iron supplements to avoid this deficiency.


Diet alone cannot treat your Hashimoto's; you have to take proper medication for this disease. The medication dispensing system can supply you with the most common medicine used in this disease, which is Synthroid. Some formulations can be taken with food depending on your does, while others should be taken 30 to 60 min before a meal.

Get Your Medicine to Your Doorstep

Having such a disease can take a toll on your health, and going out to buy your medicine can also become a burden. PD-RX Pharmaceuticals can do that for you. They can supply all the medication and supplements you need at your doorstep. Call us to know more.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.